Camel, a premium blend of the finest quality tobaccos, provides genuine smoking pleasure.
Turkish and American tobaccos
"I'd Walk A Mile For A Camel"
Camel Cigarettes Advertising Methodologies Through The 20th Century
"They 're Not For Everybody" "Today, a Man Needs a Good Reason to Walk a Mile" "Camel. You Don't Change a Thing" "One of a Kind" "The Solution"
"Get the 'Extras' with Slower-Burning Camels" "The Cigarette of Costlier Tobaccos" "28% Less Nicotine" "The 'T Zone' Where Cigarette Are Judged" "First in the Service" "More Doctors Smoke Camels than any other cigarette"
"Pleasure To Burn"
"Made Fresh - Kept Fresh", "Camels Agree With Me!" "No Tricks... Just Costlier Tobaccos" "They Never Get on your Nerves" "Get a Lift with a Camel" "They Don't Get Your Wind" "For Digestion's Sake... Smoke Camels"
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"Camels Agree With Your Throat" "Camels Agree With More People" "For More Pure Pleasure...Have a Camel!" "No other cigarette tastes so rich, yet smokes so mild." "Pleasure Helps Your Disposition" "Have a Real Cigarette"
"I'd Walk A Mile For A Camel" "Have a Camel"
"A Real Smoke" "Satisfies Longer" "Camel Time is Pleasure Time" "Born Rich" "I'd Walk a Mile for a Camel"